Busy educational cube – Green Calm
Busy educational cube is the fulfillment of a child’s dream of having free access to objects that are usually out of his reach.
This amazing Montessori toy, gives your child the opportunity to play creatively, come up with their own uses, as well as exercise their little hands with its elements. Pressing, sliding, turning on – these activities can keep a child occupied for a surprisingly long time! However, this is not time lost.
The manipulative cube, in addition to being interesting for the child, also develops a number of psychomotor skills.
In addition to these general pluses from playing, the child also learns practical skills such as tying shoelaces, for example, thanks to the manipulative cube.
Thanks to the fact that the toy is small ( 7×7 cm) it will fit into any bag or stroller, giving you the opportunity to play anywhere you are with your child.
Also check out our other left hemisphere puzzles, educational boards, as well as educational cubes, manipulative wheels and manipulative tablets.
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