When choosing toys for children, we are guided by various criteria – durability, colors, educational functions, price or aesthetic qualities. Among the huge range, wooden toys are gaining popularity. Not without reason!
What features do wooden toys have?
Wood has properties that have many benefits when it comes to toys. First of all, it is a natural material and safe for our children. We do not have to worry that in close contact with the skin or put in the mouth of a toddler will cause an adverse reaction, such as allergic. In addition, objects made of wood are durable and resistant to damage, which for toys (which are repeatedly subjected to endurance tests) is of considerable importance. Wood or plastic – what to choose? There is no universal raw material from which every toy can be made. Therefore, despite its many drawbacks, plastic is irreplaceable for some items. However, looking through the prism of durability, safety and ecology, wooden toys are definitely a better choice. Plastic is a less durable material, more susceptible to damage and, unlike wood, is not biodegradable, which unfortunately puts it at odds with the environment. And she, especially these days, is important not only for us, but especially for our children.
In addition, wooden toys are more subdued and natural colors, which are friendly to the eyes and so that children do not get overexposed.

In the search for a timeless, safe and, in addition, developing toy for a child, the wooden manipulative board comes to the fore. In addition to the advantages of the raw material used, there are many everyday elements attached to the board, which occupy the child’s attention for a long time, have a positive effect on his concentration, develop small motor skills and support the acquisition of practical skills. In addition, thanks to the possibility of personalization, the handling board can also become a beautiful decoration of a child’s room.